
Monday, April 29, 2013

Kid's Clothes Week: Days 6, 7 + 8

I got started on one final project for Spring Kid's Clothes Week on Friday, a pair of overalls for my little man.  After working on them for what feels like an eternity, I finally finished them today (just a day overdue :).  Between constantly switching between regular and topstitching thread, having to sew each seam three times, and all the other details that went into these short-alls, they are seriously one of the most involved articles of clothing I've ever made.   But look how cute!  And they fit!
The pattern is Kwik Sew K3948, without all the crazy embellishments, and the fabric is charcoal grey heavyweight twill from Joann's.   I debated the gold topstitching, but glad I went with it, even though I had to rip out many seams that weren't just right (no double-needle was used here!).
I followed the pattern fairly closely, though I used flat-felled seams on the inside instead of just overcasting. 
The little man put them on and took photos (with a lollipop bribe, clearly), but I think he may actually wear them, even without the candy treat.
Inexplicably, moments after finishing the Epic Overall Adventure, I just had to make another Perfect Polo to match.  After making the green version, I was able to whip the new elephant version in just over 2 hours and without consulting the instructions.  Sweet!
I know this color is completely impractical, but I just love it!  And the pearl snaps?  So adorable!
I changed up the pocket shape and size, expanded the collar by about 1", and did a bit of a different construction on the collar stand (I'll go through great lengths to avoid hand sewing).  I'm seriously planning a version for my husband. 
The whole outfit just makes me happy! 

With my class canceled and daycare paid for through the end of the month, Kid's Clothes Week came at a great time.  I was able to put some serious hours in, and made a heap of clothing for my boys!  All in all, I made:
On deck are two very different projects in collaboration with Britex...very exciting! 


  1. such cute overalls, and such a cute model.. Happy sewing.

    1. Thank you! The cute model behaves a lot better when there is a candy treat to sweeten the deal! :)

  2. Those are gorgeous!! The whole outfit is totally cute, good work! You were really busy this week!

    1. Until this week I haven't done too much sewing for the boys, but now I'm kinda hooked (though I'll be doing some selfish sewing today :)
